Synopsis: A SHADO operative's wife has just given birth, which causes Straker to remember the events leading up the birth of his own son. Flashing back 10 years, Ed and Mary Straker are happy newlyweds. However, Ed's involvement with the development of SHADO begins to put a strain on the marriage, as he is rarely home and cannot talk about his work. Mary becomes pregnant, but she also becomes suspicious that Ed is spending his time away from home with another woman. How can Ed make his wife understand that he's being faithful without compromising SHADO's security? [Spoiler]

Writer: Tony Barwick.
Director: David Lane.
Guest Cast: Suzanne Neve as Mary Straker.

Featured Characters: Straker, Freeman, Henderson.
Featured Hardware: None.

Review: Although this episode has no special effects or Aliens, it does have very interesting background on the development of SHADO and the effect it has on Straker's life. Grade: A-

Note: This is one of two episodes (the other is THE PSYCHOBOMBS) that does not begin with the standard opening sequence. The Japanese UFO laserdiscs add an opening sequence to the episode, but this is technically not correct.

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