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FANDERSON is the Official Gerry Anderson Fan Club. Based in England, Fanderson has a very professionally done quarterly magazine and exclusive merchandise. Since FANDERSON is devoted to all of Gerry Anderson's work, UFO is not necessarily given much coverage, however the coverage it does get is always of the highest quality. Some of FANDERSON's exclusive UFO merchandise includes a one hour "Making of UFO" video documentary (now on DVD), a 2-disc soundtrack CD, and a paperback book containing 4 UFO scripts. The club also organizes conventions which have featured UFO cast members as guests and have rare UFO items on display. Annual dues are -- UK: 25 pounds; Europe: 28 pounds; rest of the world: 31 pounds. You can now become a member or renew your subscription online at the About Fanderson page. Here are some Fanderson web pages which may be of interest to fans of UFO:
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