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Fanderson UFO Soundtrack CD: In June 2003, The Gerry Anderson fan club Fanderson released a UFO soundtrack CD. Available only to Fanderson members, and limited to 1000 copies, this double CD soundtrack is 155 minutes long and includes a full-color 24 page booklet. Most of the music is taken from the original master tapes (remixed into stereo), while for episodes where no master tapes are known to exist, the original mono mixes are used.
This soundtrack sold out in 2006, but an updated version is expected to be released November 2009!
Japanese UFO Soundtrack CD: In September 2003, the Japanese company Tanomi released a UFO soundtrack CD. This double CD soundtrack is 75 minutes long (yes, I know that could have fit onto a single disc), and includes a full-color 14 page booklet. This is not the original music from the series, however -- instead, it has all been newly recorded, and primarily features music from IDENTIFIED, SURVIVAL, and THE QUESTION OF PRIORITIES.
This CD is sometimes available via independent sellers on
The ITC & Century 21 themes played before each episode -- play
Main theme (without Selectric typewriter noise) -- play
Main theme (with Selectric typewriter noise) --  play
Main theme recording session: here is audio from the recording session for UFO's main theme, where you can hear Barry Gray talking plus alternate takes. The one used in the series was "take 4" -- play
End titles -- play
From IDENTIFIED, the Moonbase Interceptors prepare for launch --  play
From EXPOSED, Foster's apartment is messed up by thugs -- play
From EXPOSED, Foster is brought to SHADO HQ -- play
From A QUESTION OF PRIORITIES, Straker spends time with his son -- play
From CONFLICT, Straker goes to see General Henderson -- play
The credits music in THE DALOTEK AFFAIR -- play
From CONFETTI CHECK A-OK, an operative celebrates having a baby by passing out cigars -- play
From THE RESPONSIBILITY SEAT, Foster tries to stop a Russian moon vehicle from colliding with Moonbase -- play
From ORDEAL, Sky One prepares for launch -- play
From COURT MARTIAL, hunting down an escaped Foster -- play
From THE SQUARE TRIANGLE, music heard on the radio while Liz and Cass are driving -- play
From THE PSYCHOBOMBS, Linda Simmons is activated by the UFO in SHADO HQ -- play
From THE PSYCHOBOMBS, the song on the radio in Linda Simmons car --play
The credits music in REFLECTIONS IN THE WATER -- play
From THE LONG SLEEP, Catherine meets Tim in Piccadilly Circus - play
From THE LONG SLEEP, Catherine and Tim on drugs taunting the Aliens -- play
From ORDEAL, the music heard during Foster's party flashbacks -- play
UFO Sheet Music: In 1971, New World Music (UK) released sheet music for the UFO title theme. Here are scans of this (from Angelo Finamore's UFO Collection):
Invasion: UFO library music: In 1981, the "Invasion:UFO" compilation movie was released. Some of the music heard in this is "library music". Here are a couple pieces (second piece courtesy Shaqui Le Vesconte):
UFO Theme (Kraggs Remix): Here is a remix of the UFO theme, by Kevin Craggs (courtesy Kevin Craggs) -- play.

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